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Call To Action:

Current Events:
Nothing Scheduled at This Time

Past Events:

October 6, Counter-protest to Life Chain

Cover Photo with group logo and graphics of a woman holding sign that says Bans Off Our Bodies.

On Sunday, Oct. 6, the Campaign Life Coalition (an anti-abortion, forced-birthers group) is planning a Life Chain at the corner of Wellington and Commissioners (outside the LHSC Victoria Campus). 

We are hosting a peaceful counter-protest. Indeed, there are counter-protests being held in opposition of Life Chain events in cities across Canada. 

We believe that all people with uteruses have the basic human right to decide when and whether to have children. Abortion is healthcare, plain and simple. 

We are a group of intersectional feminists. We elevate the voices of those who are marginalized -- members of the BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, disabled women and women living in poverty. 

We believe in abortion on demand with safe, affordable access for all. 

We believe that COVID is still here and it shows no signs of leaving. Everyone is strongly encouraged to mask at this event, or maintain physical distancing. 

Everyone who believes that abortion is healthcare, and thus, a human right, is welcome to attend.

Please bring a large sign with you that will be easily viewable by passersby. Signs with high contrast are best, eg. black block lettering on a white background. 

Potential sign slogans include:

-Bans Off Our Bodies.
-Abortion is Healthcare.
-Our Bodies, Our Futures, Our Abortions.
-I support my local abortion providers.
-Abortion is a Right.
-Protect Abortion Access.
-Liberate Abortion.
-Not your body, not your choice.
-Abortion is Essential.
-Outlawing abortion does not end abortion - it ends SAFE abortion.
-Pro-choice or bust.
-Didn't God give us free will?
-Keep your rosaries off my ovaries.
-Abortion Saves Lives.
-I support people receiving abortions.
-Abortion is Normal.
-Forced birth hurts women.
-Your religion doesn't dictate my rights.
-Every child should be a wanted child.
-Trust women
-Abort the Patriarchy
-Let's Talk About Vasectomies 

October 24, Protest Against Anti-abortion Fundraiser with Abby Johnson 

Cover Photo with group logo and screenshot of from anti-choice website overlaid with word "Protest".

London’s reproductive-justice advocates will gather at the intersection of Southdale Rd. West and Notre Dame Dr. to protest the Hellenic Centre’s hosting of anti-choice speaker, Abby Johnson.

Johnson is an anti-choice activist who wrote a memoir on which the American movie, Unplanned, (a dangerous piece of anti-abortion propaganda) is based. In a quote from 2019 about the movie, Joyce Arthur (ARCC), stated, “I think only anti-choice people will enjoy seeing the film because it wallows in fetal gore — which is why it got slapped with a Restricted rating in the U.S.”

Aside from the questionable veracity of Johnson’s memoir, this woman is anti-vaccine and racist. She was once quoted as saying “these police officers know in their head, they're going to know that statistically my [adopted] brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons" ( In that video, "she went on to distort statistics, making the case that Black men are more prone to commit violent crime and blamed the absence of Black fathers" (

It’s reprehensible that the Hellenic Centre would host a racist, anti-abortion, anti-vaccine person as a key speaker in their centre.

We need more love in London, not people who are going to bring in more U.S.-style propaganda against basic human rights. 

Please join us as we spread messages of love and inclusion at the intersection outside of the Hellenic Centre. We won’t change the minds of the fetus-fetishists attending this event. But, we can show Londoners that they are loved even if they’ve had a abortion, received a vaccine or were born inside Black or Brown skin.

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